A Faith that Looks Forward

In his Cost of Discipleship Bonhoeffer has much to say about what those who follow Jesus are called to be and to do. His exposition of the Sermon on the Mount and what discipleship means has much to tell us about how we must live our lives today, recognising the worth of every human being – and indeed of all creation.

At a time of violence, upheaval and insecurity not unlike our own, Bonhoeffer dedicated himself to serving those in greatest need and facing the direst threats. His response involved enormous risks and difficult choices – but he is surely an example to all of us of what is involved in building a world of justice and peace, health and harmony. He never gave up on that vision and commitment despite imprisonment and execution. His was a faith that always looked forward

For Bonhoeffer, to follow Jesus means caring for others and for all creation, working with all who might share some of his vision of a better world, a human society caring for all and an environment providing for the needs of everyone.

Our calling today is surely to live out our faith – looking forward – as he did.



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