Project Bonhoeffer Conference Schedule

This is the outline of the schedule that we are admittedly belatedly bringing out. The outline for the conference day is as follows;

9:45- Arrival Time

This is when we will be asking people to arrive for. Upon arrival, you shall be given a conference pack and a badge. Our Administrative Support will take care of handwriting each badge/checking tickets.

10:30- Morning introductions

The Project Bonhoeffer Board members John Battle (former Leeds MP) and Geoff Driver (former Councillor) will welcome all, introduce the attendees to the key points and themes of the conference.

10:40- Keynote Speaker 1 Professor Tom Greggs (Aberdeen) FAITH IN OUR DEMOCRACY TODAY- Thinking towards, with, from and beyond Bonhoeffer about Salvation in an age of political turmoil

This session will be chaired by Professor Rachel Muers (Leeds University) and will be followed by a period of Questions and Discussion

12;00 Mid-Day discussion groups

Introduced by Margaret Halsey, this is for further discussions of the ideas and issues arriving from the first session. This is where you can also sign up for the Afternoon Workshops!

12:30- 13:20- Lunch break and chat

13:30- Keynote Speaker two: Dr Diedre Brower-Latz (Nazarene College, Manchester)

FAITH IN A TIME OF DEMOCRACY: Being thinkingly Christian; disciples as carriers of deep progressive hope.

This session, chaired by John Battle, will be followed by a Q&A as well as the opportunity to explore what this means in our post-Christian era.

14:40 Afternoon Workshop

Margaret Halsey will introduce workshop titles, leaders and locations

Topics and Leaders

Acts of resistance – Emma Temple (SCM)

More time to talk with Tom – Rachel Muers (PB)

Renewing democratic politics post-Brexit – John Battle (PB)

Disagreeing Well – Rachel Collins (SCM)

More time to talk with Diedre – Mike West (PB)

Migration, asylum and sanctuary – Margaret Halsey (PB)

Ideas, issues and initiatives for Bonhoeffer’s followers today – Geoff Driver (PB)

15:50- Tea and workshop report-back

Key ideas and issues for SCM, PB etc to address in the 2020s

16:30- Conference Closure and departures

We look forward to seeing everyone there!



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